In episode three of the Labor Law Insider podcast, Husch Blackwell attorneys Tom Godar, David Hertel and Laura Malugade note the confirmation of Jennifer Abruzzo as General Counsel as well as two new nominations to the National Labor Relations Board which, upon confirmation, will usher in a new Democratic majority on the Board. With the new majority, employers can expect to see changes in labor laws, including laws that aid union organization efforts. In episode three of our podcast, our panel of labor law attorneys will discuss potential changes that permit unions to organize and represent small units of employees within an employer’s workforce called micro-units, and union efforts to organize remote workers.
Join us to listen to the third episode in our series, “The Biden Administration: Expected Changes at the NLRB.” In addition to discussing these potential changes, our panel offers potential strategies for employers to proactively address the anticipated changes. Alternatively, a short summary of the topics covered in the podcast is also available on our website.