Peter Robb, the new General Counsel for the NLRB, issued GC Memo 18-02 on December 1, 2017 that puts the Regional Offices on notice that any “significant legal issues” are to be submitted to Advice. Significant legal issues are defined to “include cases over the last 8 years that overruled precedent and involved one or more dissents, cases involving issues that the Board has not decided, and any other cases that the Region believes will be of importance to General Counsel.” The Memo goes on to further cite specific examples of Board Decisions that might support issuance of complaint “but where we also might want to provide the Board with an alternative analysis.” Not surprisingly, these decisions go to a number of cases in which the Obama Board expanded their regulation regarding concerted activity, handbook rules, work stoppages, Weingarten rights, the joint employer standard, unilateral changes, and dues checkoff, among other matters. No doubt that with this Memo the way in which the workplace will be regulated by the NLRB will be subject to a number of long awaited changes.